J.F. Fox

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It’s no secret I love libraries, and ensuring we keep libraries (and librarians) in our schools has become a cause near and dear to my heart. It’s important that all of our kids not only have ready access to free books that they can choose for themselves, but also a physical space in school that’s a calm, quiet oasis. The space, however, is of little use if it is not run by a trained school librarian. School librarians are specialty educators who foster children’s life-long love of reading and teach important skills such as research and internet safety. Perhaps most importantly, they make children and their interests feel seen and valued.

I was lucky to recently have a guest post on the stellar Betsy Bird’s awesome School Library Journal blog Fuse #8. Please check it out, as well as the other excellent content there. Thank you, Betsy!

Fuse #8 Guest Post: Wrestling with School Library Closures
