J.F. Fox

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Scrappy Fabric Bookmark

These days it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the chaos of shared spaces. Sometimes I feel like I’m drowning in scraps—little bits of paper the kids have cut up, wrappers, fabric from masks I’m making for the family, bowls and plates with leftover bites of food, that inch of bell pepper to be salvaged for yet another dinner to be cooked at home. The weight of these scraps, and all they remind us of, can feel disproportionate to their small size.

As is often the case over here, our greatest moments of clarity come during times of creativity. One very simple project helped me reframe my mental battle with scraps and to turn them into something of value. As is also often the case over here, it was related to books (which are being voraciously devoured at a pace only matched by snacks). So, here’s our “Scrappy Fabric Bookmark” project. Maybe you can turn a few scraps into something a little happier too.

As someone who can only “sort of” sew on a machine and struggles to follow patterns, this project is very forgiving and truly so simple a kid can do it. You’ll use your sewing machine, which may already be out for mask-making, some rectangular fabric strips (preferably scraps you are trying to salvage), and some scissors or pinking sheers. Maybe a few pins.

You won’t need that ribbon. Unless you are feelin’ fancy.

Find two fabrics—one for the front and one for the back. Have fun mixing colors and prints. Put them back-to-back or good/printed sides facing out.

Next, use your pinking sheers or scissors to cut out a rectangle. I usually make mine about 1.5-2 inches by about 6-7 inches, but any rectangle will do! When you are done, pin the fabric together if you haven’t already done so.

Now it’s time to sew! This is the part that is truly so easy a kid can do it. Behold, a kid doing it. He’s six. It’s not going to be perfect. It doesn’t have to be! You might need to get them started or be on hand to slow them down when they inevitable press a foot all the way down on the pedal and start to fly! (Public service announcement: please teach boys to sew, and cook, and clean. That is all.)

Please ignore my crazy lady lists and vitamins. Trying to stay healthy and organized around here. Trying.

TA-DA! Here it is. Did we mention it’s not perfect? But we made something! He slipped this one into a letter to a friend he was missing from school. They are light, slim, and mail-able, another plus!

Happy creating! Happy reading!

If you make any Scrappy Fabric Bookmarks, please share them with us on instagram: @j.f.foxbooks