J.F. Fox

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All Together Now

Here we are. Socially isolating, hunkering down, homeschooling. It’s surreal and scary at times, and all of our moods seem to be changing hourly. Family time that was once fleeting is now constant, with all the good and bad that goes along with it. Is the universe forcing us to reassess—our relationships, jobs, environmental impacts? When will it end? We don’t know, and not knowing is scary. I’m trying to focus on what we might get out of all of this when we come out that unknown other side.

“All the adversity I've had in my life, all my troubles and obstacles, have strengthened me. . . . You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you.”

—Walt Disney

Adversity forging growth is an age-old theme in stories. It’s positive and purposeful and all that jazz, but how do we handle the metaphysical “kick in the teeth” while we’re smack dab in the middle of it, trying to homeschool and work and cook every meal and not go insane. According to another creative fellow—maybe we don’t fight it head on.

Let me embrace thee, sour adversity, for wise men say it is the wisest course.
—William Shakespeare, Henry VI

Although Shakespeare’s speaker sounds less than totally confident, there’s something to be said for letting go a bit, not fighting so hard against the forces beyond our control. So, what do we do?

We wrestle.

When I wrote Friday Night Wrestlefest is was a much lighter time and felt like a much lighter theme—a family having a fun night in together doing something silly—an alternative bedtime book for real families, with real energy, being rambunctious and blowing off steam at the end of a work/school week. Honestly, however, the whole thing is making much more sense to me now in our current lifestyle. Here we are, all together, looking for kid activities nearly constantly. Searching for ways to bond and not want to strangle each other. Wanting to pull each other closer even though we are already tripping over top of each other. Desperate to release energy and wiggles and steam. Finding creative ways to occupy our minds and rediscover our senses of humor.

And so . . . We wrestle.

And invite you and yours to join in the movement.* Make it a new Friday ritual. Be creative, be close, be safe, and take life one hold at a time.

PARENTS: Please note, we recommend supervised, safe parent-guided wrestling.

***Instagram your family wrestlefest pics with the hashtag:


or tag: j.f.foxbooks

Want to know more about the importance of physical play for kids? Check out:
